Leah's Adoption

Welcome to our blog about the final adoption process for Leah. We thought it might be easier to let everyone know how things are going in China if we did a blog.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Monday, December 25

Merry Christmas!!

Didn't do much today. We had a lot of paperwork in the morning and a photo for the visa to get Leah back into the US. We're really enjoying the relaxing time around the hotel. It's 70 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. After an early dinner to miss the Xmas crowds, our travel group met in one of the rooms and let the girls play in the room together. We've decided we got really lucky with travel groups. Everyone is laid back and travels well, and we got a small group.

Blowing raspberries at dad.

So many adoptive families stay at the White Swan before they leave China that Mattel pays for and supplies a room full of toys just for the adoptive families to use. Here Leah is playing with one of the toys. Mattel also provides every girl and boy with a toy. The girls get a Barbie specially packaged that has a caucasian mom and an asian baby.

Early dinner at the White Swan to avoid the Xmas crowds.


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