Thursday, December 28
Our last full day in China. Tomorrow morning we get up at 4:00 am in order to start getting ready for our flights. First we fly to Beijing and then to San Francisco, so our next log entry will be our final one when we reach home.
Today we went as a group to a famous budest temple called the Six Banyans Temple. We spent the afternoon relaxing and trying to repack the suitcases.
We could not have imagined a better trip than what we have had. Our agency and our guides were all amazing. The people of China were so warm and encouraging towards us and our adoption. The other families in our group were the best. We hope to remain friends for a long time so that we can watch these girls grow. A huge thankyou to Noah and Jordan for being such good sports at home. An extra huge thankyou to Grandma Cathy for keeping everything sane at home. We leave with memories that will last a lifetime and a beautiful, perfect, spastic, funny, stubborn, loving, new daughter. Love, Lara and Jim

Six Banyans Temple.

Leah has decided it's fun to look at stuff upside down.

Leah and Jim from the top of the temple.
Lara - I loved all your photos and stories about your trip. Looks like you had an amazing time! Congratulations on your new baby girl - she already looks very much at home with you and Jim! Call you soon to catch up... Catherine
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